Queensryche descends onto Speaking Rock

Queensryche descends onto Speaking Rock.

This past Saturday night here in El Paso, Texas was one really for the books as the infamous Queensryche made a stop at the one and only Speaking Rock Entertainment Center.  This venue is outdoors, and I couldn’t think of a better place to witness this epic band on this hot July night in West Texas. Queensryche has been around for a hot minute, founded in 82, first release in 84 followed by 16 more, the last in 2022.  The history of the band is hot and sticky, lineup changes, Geoff fired in 2012, replaced with Todd, legal battles ensued, 2 bands with the same name and it goes on and on, but in the good news department, we have what we had here on Saturday, Todd La Torre on Vocals, Casey Grillo on percussion, Mike Stone on guitar, Eddie Jackson on Bass and Michael Wilton on lead guitar, Eddie and Michael both being founding members.  it was an epic show of unbridled progressive heavy metal, full of classic hits that had this El Paso crowd losing their minds, oh yeah, quite the sight. 
Local support for the evening was Serpico, a band that hasn’t really been together probably less than a year, but boy are they good.  The line up consists of Ulysses Guzman, Drez Rivas, Rick Brooks, Bobby Beagz Lucero and Marco Rivera. This makes my second time seeing them, first time back in November, but I must say, they certainly have made their mark here in the borderland.  They played for a solid 90 minutes and had this crowd worked up into a lather, far and few do you see something like this with a local band, but each member has history in our local scene, one would say Serpico was a hometown supergroup and yes, they have a following here.  Ulysses is one hell of a front man, a seasoned veteran if you will.  I think it’s safe to say that he had the time of his life Saturday as well as every member did on that stage, they put on one kick ass show and they truly are local rockstars.

       What I love about Speaking Rock is they are always on time and at 9pm sharp, Queensryche hit the stage to an audience of just under 8k.  These free concerts that they put on, depending on who it is, really pack them in.  Cypress Hill was here 2 years ago and 15k showed up, Speaking Rock is certainly the place to be.   Todd and the boys hit that stage like a runaway freight train, an act that never fails to deliver, a high energy performance that serves as a reminder that 80s metal is still alive and well.  In my opinion, Queensryche is the perfect escape from all the current nonsense we have in today’s world, it’s the type of music that you immerse yourself into and float away with memories of the past, to a simpler time, if you will.  But enough of that foolishness, we got a 17-song set list to get through and get though it they did, songs like I Don’t Believe in Love, Jet City Woman, Eyes of a Stranger and of course Silent Lucidity were hands down, crowd favorites. Before you knew it 75 minutes had passed, and the house lights came on.  Queensryche put on one hell of a show, hit after hit was the order of the evening, a trip down memory lane and who doesn’t love that?   These guys are touring, and I highly recommend this show, check those dates, odds are they’re heading your way, so do yourself a favor and take witness to one of the greatest rock acts of all time, trust me, you won’t be sorry.
Story and Photography by Tim Schumann
Set List-
Behind the Walls
The Needle Lies
I Don’t Believe in Love
Walk in the Shadows
I Am I
Jet City Woman
Operation Mind Crime
Silent Lucidity
Screaming in Digital
My Empty Room
Eyes of a Stranger

Tim Schumann


