Mikaela Kahn

“Self-Titled” by Mikaela Kahn

– By Danielle Longueville –
“Push Play”

Mikaela Kahn

Mikaela Kahn’s self-titled EP is a laid-back album meant for rainy days and easy Sunday mornings. Kahn has a unique timbre to her voice, somewhere between Sara Bareilles and Taylor Swift (minus the perpetual lyrical whining over ex-boyfriends).

Though her album offers a surprisingly small amount of variety in tempo and styling, this lucent songbird locks in her listeners with sharp piano skills and catchy lyrics. With each melodic build up within the first single, “Fall With You,” Mikaela executes her dynamic vocal range changes with finesse.

If you’re a hard rocker, this album is certainly not for you (unless you need a good cry or brief motivational boost), but for aficionados of dreamy, slow pop, Kahn’s record should definitely get your play. Kahn has a great way of pulling you through brief stints of happiness, sadness, and inspiration all in a matter of just a few songs, making for a strenuous emotional journey through the life and times of this delicate crooner. Though the trip may be rough, it proves to be well worth a listen in the end.

Be on the lookout for an upcoming EP scheduled for release sometime later this year.

James Villa


